
Not that there's that much to tell. But even a scientist is first and foremost a human being. So, maybe the rest of my site is rather formal, here's a glimpse of the person behind it. I was born in 1965 in Haarlem, supposedly the place where the purest Dutch is spoken. At age 9 however, I had already lived in 7 houses in 5 cities in 2 countries. I guess that has contributed to my ease in adjusting to new places, and in letting go.

My favorite place is Surinam, where I lived from age 5 till age 8. When I returned there for a vacation in 1994, I knew immediately this was my place of happiness. In a way, it has been formative for my religious basis. Even now, the summer sun on my skin is an incentive for mystical thoughts and feelings. A much needed correction for a pervading all too rationalistic tendency (with its own painful antecedents). I was lucky to spend the summer of 2003 teaching in Paramaribo.

My idol (probably idealized) is Wessel Gansfort (presumed to be the brother of my ancestor), one of the leading lay-theologians just before the Reformation. He has been described as a biblical humanist with a touch of mysticism. Nowadays, Roman-Catholics and Protestants still discuss to which group he belongs. I like that.

A son to my ancestor, a father to my children. Maarten (1984), Philip (1986), Reinier (1987), Bernard (1989, died after 7 weeks), Wijnand (1991), and Ewout (1994). And a grandfather to Tygo (2016), Maeve and Nikki (2018), and Milan and ??? (2021). Days spent with them remind me that being there is what counts. They're my future, and probably the best I contributed to in my life, even when my contribution to their lives is less and worse than they deserve. And between (grand)sons and (grand)fathers - caring for and being cared for - are the brothers, the friends, the lovers. I cherish the memories of being at home with Marc who passed away in 2016. I am grateful for the love and life Annas brought to me from so far away.

History and future. Time transcending the limits of who, where, and when I am. Time longing for and referring to eternity. As love and desire refer to the ultimate and virtual reality of the sacred.

Copyright © 1989-2019 Prof. Dr. R. Ruard Ganzevoort