1965 february 14, birth, Haarlem, The Netherlands
Click here for a personal
1982 Diploma, secondary school (VWO), Oude Hoven,
Gorinchem, The Netherlands
1987 Graduation, theology, University of Utrecht,
The Netherlands.
Specializations: pastoral psychology (major),
missiology (minor)
1994 PhD, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
1998 Clinical Pastoral Education, Drachten, The
2017-present Dean of the Faculty of Religion and
Theology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
2011-present Member of the Upper
Chamber of the Dutch Parliament, vice-chair of the
standing committee for education, culture, and
science (2011-2015); chair of the standing committee
for Kingdom Affairs (2015-2019) |
2005-present Professor of practical
theology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, head of
department from 01.01.2014 to 31.12.2016 |
2007-2009 Professor of theology, Windesheim
Christian University of Applied Sciences |
1996-2008 Assistant / Associate
professor of practical theology, Kampen Theological
University. |
1995 Temporary lecturer practical theology,
Catholic Theological University, Utrecht
1995 Temporary lecturer practical theology,
Reformed Theological Institute, Utrecht
1990-1995 Lecturer pastoral care, De Wittenberg
school for professional higher education, Zeist
1987-1997 Minister "Nederlands
Gereformeerde Kerk", serving the congregations in
Alkmaar, Wormerveer, and Doorn |
At my own
institution |
1998-2003, Member of the curriculum-committee
2000-2005, Director of Research in Practical
Theology and Ethics (Kampen)
2001-2005, Liaison officer for contacts with the
(Moravian) Theological Seminary, Paramaribo,
Surinam and the Reformed Theological University,
Debrecen, Hungary (Kampen)
2002-2007, Coordinator of
post-initial education and academic service (Kampen) |
2004-2007, coordinator of the
masters' program in practical theology on trauma
and theology, Kampen Theological University.
2004-2008, Director of the research project Life story book
methods in elderly care (total research
grants € 338.000). Funded by ZonMW and additionally
sponsored by Het Zonnehuis. A joint venture of Kampen
Theological University, KASKI, and Relief.
2004-present, Coordinator and main
lecturer of the Post-academic training on pastoral
care and trauma (joint venture with COGIS
(knowledge center for victims of war and violence)
2006-2011, chair of the curatorium
for the Willem van den Bergh chair for social
integration of people with mental disabilities,
theological faculty, VU University
2007-2008 coordinator
honoursprogramme Theology, VU University Amsterdam
2008-present, member (and since
2009 chair) of the curatorium for the chair
in liturgical sciences, theological faculty, VU
2009-2011, 2013-2014 chair of the
committee for the exams, theological faculty, VU
20013-2017, Director of the research project Contested privates.
The oppositional pairing of religion and
homosexuality in contemporary public
discourse in the Netherlands (total
research grants € 466.453). Funded by NWO and
additional sponsors. A joint venture of VU
University and Utrecht University.
2012-2015 Director of the
international research network Transforming
Religious Identities and Communities at the
Intersections of the Rural, Urban, and Virtual
(total research grants € 70.000). Funded by NWO
and matching sponsored by network partners (9
research teams from UK, NL, DE, SE, RS, RSA).
In the wider
academic world |
2001-2011, Webmaster for the International
Academy of Practical Theology www.ia-pt.org
2002-present, Guest lecturer post-academic training health
care chaplains, Antwerpen, Belgium
2003-present, Guest lecturer Paramaribo, Surinam
- Montréal, Canada - Pretoria, South Africa -
Bloemfontein, South Africa - Stellenbosch, South
Africa - Tahan, Myanmar - Ambon, Indonesia -
Jakarta, Indonesia - Sao Leopoldo, Brasil -
Bukavu, Democratic Republic Congo -
2006-present, Research Fellow,
University of Pretoria (South Africa)
2007-present, Research
Fellow, University of the Free State,
Bloemfontein (South Africa)
in society |
1997-2011, Pastoral counselor in private practice |
2001-2011, Consultant for congregations dealing
with cases of sexual violence
2008-2016, co-owner Hotel de Admiraal, Utrecht,
The Netherlands
organizations |
member of the International Academy of
Practical Theology (member of the executive
committee 2003-2011; president 2007-2009)
member of the board of NOSTER, Dutch Research
School for Theology and Religious Sciences
president of the International Society for
Empirical Research in Theology (2014-2018)
member of the board for humanities
of NWO, Netherlands
Organisation for Scientific Research, 2015-2016
editorships |
series co-editor of Lived
Religion and Societal Challenges,
Palgrave-MacMillan (2015-present)
series co-editor of Religion
und Biographie, Münster: LIT (2004-present)
member of the editorial board of Soteria
member of the editorial board of Theologisch
Debat (2003-2008), member of the advisory
board 2008-2011)
member of the advisory board of Psyche
en Geloof (2000-2016)
member of the advisory board of Tijdschrift
Geestelijke Verzorging (2008-2016) |
member of the board of editors of Journal
for Empirical Theology (2004-present)
ad hoc referee and book reviewer for
journals including Acta
Theologica - Archives for the Psychology of
Religion - Culture, Health, and
Sexuality - Exchange - the
International Journal for the Pschology of
Religion - the
Journal of Practical Theology - Journal for
Empirical Theology - Journal of
Homosexuality - Journal of Religion,
Disability, and Health - Journal
for the Scientific Study of Religion
- Litnet Akademies - Mental
Health, Religion, and Culture - Nederlands
Theologisch Tijdschrift - Psyche en Geloof
- Tijdschrift voor Theologie
Society |
member of the board of Transact, center of
expertise for domestic and sexual violence and for
gender, ethnicity, and care (2004-2006)
member of the Board of Trustees FIOM,
national counseling service (2007-2016,
chair 2013-2015) |
member of the Board of Trustees KRO-NCRV
broadcasting corporation (2013-present) |
member of the VGVZ-expert committee on ecclesial
office and spiritual care in hospital settings
(2009) |
chair of the board of De
Linker Wang, platform for faith and
politics (2009-2016) |